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National Professional and Non-Profit Organizations

American Anthropological Association — Founded in 1902, the AAA is the primary professional society of anthropologists in the United States, and the world’s largest professional organization of individuals interested in anthropology
American Cultural Resources Association –The ACRA serves the business needs of the cultural resources industry in the US, which includes the fields of history, historic preservation, archaeology, architectural history, and landscape architecture
Archaeological Institute of America –Founded in 1879, the AIA is North America’s oldest and largest organization devoted to the world of archaeology. The organization is unique because it counts among its members professional archaeologists, students, and many others with a shared passion for archaeology
National Association for the Practice of Anthropology –Founded in 1983, NAPA strives to promote the practice of anthropology, both within the discipline and among private and public organizations. NAPA is a section of the American Anthropological Association
National Geographic Society –National Geographic is the largest nonprofit scientific and educational institution in the world. Founded in 1888, the Society was originally organized to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge. Today, its focus is on protecting the earth’s natural resources
National Trust for Historic Preservation –The NTHP is dedicated to saving historic places and revitalizing America’s communities. It provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources to protect historic places that tell America’s story
Society for American Archaeology — The SAA is an international organization dedicated to the research, interpretation, and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas
Society for Applied Anthropology –The SAA promotes the integration of anthropological perspectives and methods in solving human problems throughout the world; to advocate for fair and just public policy; to promote public recognition of anthropology as a profession; and to support the continuing professionalization of the field
Society for Historical Archaeology –Formed in 1967, the SHA is the largest scholarly group concerned with the archaeology of the modern world (A.D. 1400-present). The main focus of the society is the era since the beginning of European exploration
Society for Industrial Archaeology –The SIA is a forum on the working past in which people share knowledge as well as the interest and challenge of exploring the structures and sites of our industrial heritage